Specifically designed
to find restaurant
owner mobile numbers.
Double your DM connect rate and eliminate your team’s manual research.
Legacy tools like
Zoominfo, Brizo, or LeadGenius:
Have no idea who owns the local pub in Garden City, KS
Don’t realize the 10 Joey’s Pizzas in the US are all owned by separate people
Won’t tell you when a target account is part of a bigger restaurant group
Provide restaurant reservation lines instead of owner mobile numbers
Calling restaurant reservation lines no longer works
Restaurant staff will no longer put sales reps through to the owner. Many teams we’ve spoken to take 7-12 rounds of gatekeeper calls before getting through to a DM.
Reps are spending hours doing their own research instead of calling
Hours are spent reading news articles and Facebook pages to find owner names before scouring low-quality databases like TPS to try to piece together contact data. Only to find out they have the wrong number in the end.
of our customers sell to independent
or multi-loc restaurants.
Don’t bother scaling your team until you have exceptional sales data in place. Our connect rates went from 3% to nearly 20% and our team is able to take on 40% more calls since they don’t spend time manually enriching contact data.
Grow Outbound Revenue
Without Growing Your Team
for efficiently scaling outbound